Corporate Lawyer

Be the legal backbone of businesses, become a corporate lawyer


A corporate lawyer is an attorney who specialises in corporate law and advises companies on legal matters related to their business operations. They help companies with legal issues such as formation, financing, mergers, acquisitions, regulatory compliance and more. Corporate lawyers may also represent companies in court or negotiate on their behalf.  The role of a corporate lawyer is to counsel clients about their legal rights, responsibilities and duties.

Corporate law encompasses all of the legal issues that arise during the course of running a corporation, which are numerous due to corporations' exposure to complex state and federal regulations. Most states require corporations to hold regular meetings such as annual shareholder meetings and all the other required procedures. Corporate lawyers ensure that corporations abide by these rules while also performing other tasks.


For Bachelor’s

  • After completing 10+2 or its equivalent certificate with at least 45% aggregate marks from a recognised board, seekers are eligible to take the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT). 
  • Candidates can enrol in the five-year integrated undergraduate degree programme known as BA LLB 

For Masters

  • Aspirants must have a bachelor’s degree in the corporate law field from an esteemed institute or university. 
  • Once scholars complete a three-year LL.M., they can also take the CLAT exam.

Job Roles

The primary goal of studying corporate law is to provide students with in-depth knowledge and to improve their ability to manage conflicts that may arise from various corporate cases. To carry out such a task, the field of corporate law provides a plethora of job profiles. Some common job roles for corporate lawyers include: 

  • In-house counsel 
  • Partner at a law firm 
  • General counsel 
  • Corporate litigator 
  • Mergers and acquisitions attorney 
  • Securities lawyer 
  • Compliance officer 
  • Contract lawyer 
  • Intellectual property lawyer 
  • Investment banking lawyer

Employment Sector Jobs

  • Law Firms
  • Corporate Firms
  • Law Institutions
  • Courts
  • Judiciary
  • Law Enforcement Agencies
  • Consultancy

Top Recruiters

Many recruiters from top corporations look for prospective students enrolled in corporate law degree programmes. Here are some recruiters who can help students find work in India:

  • Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas and Company
  • Khaitan and Company
  • Lakshmikumaran and Sridharan
  • Trilegal India 
  • Anand and Anand 
  • Sagar Associates 
  • DSK Legal 
  • AZB and Partners
  • Vaish Associates 
  • Phoenix Legal 
  • Desai and Dewanji 
  • S&R Associates


The salary of a corporate lawyer in India varies depending on factors such as the size, type of organisation they work for, their level of experience and their location.


Entry-level corporate lawyers

Approx 4-6 Lakhs per annum

Senior corporate lawyers

Approx 15-50 Lakhs per annum

Top-level corporate lawyers

Approx 50 Lakhs or more per annum


The scope of a corporate lawyer typically includes: 

  • The corporate lawyer provides guidance on corporate governance, legal and regulatory compliance.
  • Contract and agreement drafting, negotiation and review.
  • The study of a corporate lawyer aims at providing assistance with mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and other commercial transactions.
  • Moreover, the study of such a type of law firm focuses on providing guidance on securities, laws and regulations.
  • Examining and providing advice on advertising and marketing materials.
  • The corporate law practitioners get knowledge of dealing with intellectual property issues.
  • Providing employment law and benefits advice.
  • Client representation in disputes and negotiations.


The benefits of being a corporate lawyer includes: 

  • A corporate lawyer has a high earning potential. 
  • It offers opportunities for professional development and advancement.
  • Furthermore, it provides an opportunity for a challenging and intellectually stimulating career. 
  • You can get exposure to diverse industries and business issues. 
  • It increases the possibility of working in a multinational or large corporation. 
  • A corporate lawyer is given numerous opportunities to network with clients and other legal professionals.
  • Individuals can expand their options for flexible work arrangements. 
  • A further benefit of experience as a corporate lawyer is the increased likelihood of working on high-profile and important cases.


The drawbacks of becoming a corporate lawyer include: 

  • Long working hours and high levels of stress. 
  • Heavy workload and tight deadlines. 
  • High level of competition for job opportunities. 
  • Need for continuous learning and professional development to stay current on legal developments. 
  • Potentially high levels of responsibility and accountability.
  • Limited job security, as corporate lawyers may be laid off during economic downturns. 
  • Great risk of handling confidential and sensitive information. 
  • High levels of pressure to perform and meet client’s expectations.