Fashion Journalist

Exploring the Intersection of Fashion and Journalism with Creativity as well as Finesse


A Fashion Journalist is a media professional whose major responsibilities include publishing of write ups, reporting about fashion designers as well as their designs, in vogue trends, styles, shows, etcetera. Moreover, they work with various designers, magazine houses as well as fashion designers. They investigate as well as explore, assemble information and generate good quality content for the public. 

Furthermore, they have various job roles like writers, reporters, editors and photographers. They also conduct interviews with big designers. Their job profile solely depends upon their place of employment, expertise, location, etcetera. Fashion Journalists need to incorporate a few skills like interpersonal skills, creativity, attention to detail, etcetera to suffice in the industry.


For Bachelor’s

  • Aspirants need to pass 10+2 with at least 50% aggregate in any stream from a recognised board. 
  • Students can opt for a Bachelor's degree in Fashion Journalism, B.Des, BA Honors in Mass Communication and Journalism, B.Sc in Fashion and Apparel Design .

 For Masters

  • To gain job market knowledge, one can opt for a Master's degree in Fashion Communication or M.Sc in Costume Design and Fashion. 
  • Working with experienced journalists or fashion houses can help you gain great expertise in the fashion industry. 

 For Diploma

  • Seekers need to pass 10+2 with at least 50% marks from an esteemed organization. The duration of a diploma course is 6 months.

Job Roles

The field of Fashion Journalism aims to provide in-depth knowledge and enhance the skills of the students. To do such a task, this field presents innumerable job profiles:  

  • Editorial Assistant
  • Staff Writer
  • Copy Editor
  • Stylist 
  • Social Media Manager
  • Editor
  • Advertising Sales Representative
  • Editor in Chief
  • Print Designer
  • Marketing Director

Top Recruiters

There are many recruiters from leading companies who enlist potential students in the Fashion Journalism field. Following are some Recruiters from where students can find an employment opportunity in India: 

  • Vogue Magazine
  • Savvy
  • Harper’s Bazaar India
  • Elle Magazine
  • Cosmopolitan India
  • Femina Magazine
  • Grazia India
  • Maxim Magazine


The salary range may vary from company to company, but the salary of a Fashion Journalist is very impressive only in India.


Level of Salary

Salary Package per Year

Starting Salary

Approx ₹3,00,000

Mid Level Salary

Approx ₹6,80,000 

Senior Level Salary

Approx ₹10,40,000 


  • Soft and Technical Abilities
  • Fashion Expertise
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Strong Writing Ability
  • Anticipate Future Trends
  • Presence of Mind


Fashion is changing and growing everyday, so is this industry. Needless to say that people involved or working in this industry have a high career scope. There are a lot of job opportunities in India as well as  Foreign Countries like Paris, London, etcetera. If you have keen eye for trends and fashion then this profession is for you.

But, as easy as it sounds, this profession requires a high competitive spirit as well as zest for exploring and learning. People with great editorial skills, generally prefer a career as fashion journalists. This job requires a person to be always on the road as it involves a lot of traveling, covering various fashion shows, meeting new people. So, this field is basically for smart people who can adapt to different environments and trends on a regular basis.


  • Creative Work Profile
  • Meeting New People
  • Interesting Working Environment
  • Glamour World
  • Well Paid
  • Lot of Travel Opportunities


  • Highly Competitive
  • Physical Burn Out
  • Long Working Hours
  • Envious Atmosphere
  • Strict Deadlines