Food And Beverages Supervisor

Managing the flavors of success: become a food and beverage supervisor and drive results


A Food and Beverage Supervisor plays a crucial role in the hospitality industry. This individual is responsible for overseeing the operations of various establishments such as restaurants, cafes, bars as well as banquet halls. They are responsible for ensuring that the establishment runs smoothly, efficiently and profitably.

Food and Beverage Supervisors are responsible for a wide range of duties including managing staff, ensuring that food and beverages are of high quality and providing excellent customer service. They are responsible for hiring, training along with supervising staff members including servers, bartenders and kitchen staff. Food and Beverage Supervisors must ensure that all staff members comply with health and safety regulations as well as have the necessary licenses and certifications. 

Overall, a career as a Food and Beverage Supervisor can be both challenging and rewarding. This position requires excellent organizational, communication, leadership skills as well as a deep understanding of the hospitality industry.


For Bachelor’s

  • A Bachelor's degree in Hospitality Management or a related field is typically required for entry-level food and beverage positions.
  • Relevant coursework may include rooms division operations, housekeeping management, front office management, hospitality law as well as leadership.

For Work Experience

  • A Master's degree in Hospitality Management or a related field may be preferred or required for more senior-level positions in Food and beverage.
  • Relevant coursework may include advanced operations management, strategic planning, financial management and leadership.

Job Roles

The field of hotel management aims to provide in-depth knowledge and enhance the skills of the students. To do such a task, this field presents innumerable job profiles:  

  • Restaurant Manager
  • Restaurant Manager
  • Food and Beverage Director
  • Bar Manager
  • Catering Manager

Employment Sector

  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • Clubs
  • Casino
  • Safari Lodge

Top Recruiters

There are many recruiters from leading companies who enlist potential students in the food and beverage field. Following are some Recruiters from where students can find an employment opportunity in India:

  • Nestle
  • KFC
  • Coca Cola
  • PepsiCo
  • McDonald’s
  • Amul
  • Haldiram’s


The salary range may vary from company to company, but the salary of a food & beverage supervisor is very impressive in India.


Level of Salary

Annual Level Salary 

Starting Salary

Approx ₹1,50,000

Mid Level Salary

Approx ₹3,80,000 

Senior Level Salary

Approx ₹5,90,000 


  • Creativity 
  • Research
  • Adaptability
  • Determination
  • Accuracy


The career scope of a Food and Beverage Supervisor is quite promising as the hospitality industry continues to grow. Furthermore, the demand for food and beverage services increases, so does the demand for skilled supervisors to manage these operations.

Food and Beverage Supervisors have a range of career opportunities in various establishments such as restaurants, hotels, resorts as well as catering companies. With experience and additional training they can advance to management positions in larger establishments or hotel chains. 

Overall, the career scope of a Food and Beverage Supervisor is promising and the industry is expected to grow continuously. As long as people continue to dine out and travel, there will be a demand for skilled supervisors to manage the operations of food and beverage establishments.


  • Opportunities for career growth
  • Job satisfaction
  • Creativity
  • Competitive salaries


  • Long hours
  • High-stress environment
  • Physical demands
  • Responsibility for the business's success