
Discover the Richness of Our Cultural Heritage - Pursue History


A historian is a professional who studies and writes about the past. Historians use a variety of sources including written documents, archaeological artefacts and oral accounts to analyse historical events, trends as well as social movements. The archivist spends significant time researching to gather information about the past. This can involve reading books, articles and other documents such as archaeological artefacts involving other primary sources.

After gathering information, historians analyse the data to identify patterns and interpret the significance of historical events and trends. Moreover, many historians also work as educators, teaching history courses at the college or university level. This involves developing lesson plans, lecturing, grading assignments and exams. Overall, historians play a critical role in understanding and interpreting the past and their work has important implications for understanding contemporary society as well as shaping the future.


For Bachelor’s

  • The seekers must have passed their secondary-level board examination with at least 60%.
  • The aspirants can begin their career as historians by enrolling in a Bachelor's degree program such as BA in History from a recognised university or college.

For Master’s

  • Successful graduates can continue their education by enrolling in a Master's degree program at a university or college.
  • Applicants must have completed their graduation with a minimum of 50 - 60% to be admitted in a university or college to pursue a Master's degree.

Job Roles

Historians have diverse job roles available for them in various fields. Here are some of the common job roles for historians:

  • Researcher
  • Educator
  • Curator
  • Consultant
  • Writer
  • Archivist
  • Historic Preservationist
  • Economists
  • Geographers
  • Sociologists
  • High School Teachers

Employment Sector Jobs

Historians can find employment opportunities in a variety of sectors. Here are some of the employment sector jobs for historians:

  • Editing and Publishing
  • Education
  • Historical Associations
  • Government Organisations
  • Research Sphere 

Top Recruiters

Historians can find employment opportunities with a variety of organisations and employers. Here are some of the top recruiters for historians:

  • Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR)
  • Universities and Colleges
  • Media Companies
  • Military
  • Consulting Firms
  • Government Agencies 


The salary for historians can vary widely depending on their level of education, experience and the industry in which they work. Here are some estimates of the salary ranges for historians:


Entry-level Historians  

Approx 1 lakhs - 3 lakhs per annum

Senior Historians  

Approx 4 lakhs - 6 lakhs per annum

Top-level Historians  

Approx 7 lakhs - 8 lakhs per annum


  • Research Skills
  • Writing Skills
  • Critical Thinking
  • Attention to Detail
  • Communication Skills
  • Time Management
  • Collaboration Skills
  • Language Skills


Historians have a diverse range of opportunities. Here are some instances of the range of work available to historians:

  • Academic Research
  • Historical Preservation
  • Archival Work
  • Education
  • Public History
  • Cultural Heritage Management
  • Publishing
  • Consulting


Historians can reap a variety of professional and personal welfare. Here are a few key benefits for historians:

  • Intellectual Stimulation
  • Contributing to Society
  • Career Flexibility
  • Travel Opportunities
  • Career Satisfaction
  • Personal Growth


Being a historian like any other profession has its drawbacks. Here are some of the disadvantages for historians:

  • Long Working Hours
  • Limited Career Opportunities
  • Limited Funding
  • Isolation
  • Limited Earnings
  • Limited Job Market