Occupational Therapist


Occupational therapists (OTs) are healthcare professionals who work with individuals of all ages who have physical, emotional, cognitive, or developmental challenges. The goal of an occupational therapist is to help individuals develop, maintain, or recover the skills needed for daily living and working.

Occupational therapists typically work in hospitals, clinics, schools, and other healthcare settings, as well as in private practices. They may work with individuals who have a variety of conditions, such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, developmental disorders, or mental health issues.

The role of an occupational therapist involves assessing a patient's abilities, identifying areas of difficulty, and developing a customized treatment plan to address these challenges. Treatment may include a variety of interventions, such as exercise programs, adaptive equipment, and sensory integration therapy. Occupational therapists also work closely with other healthcare professionals, such as physicians, nurses, and physical therapists, to ensure that patients receive comprehensive care. 


  • Undergraduate Degree: You must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution. While specific majors are not required, it is recommended that you complete coursework in anatomy, physiology, psychology, and sociology.
  • Postgraduate Degree: You must have a master's degree in occupational therapy from an accredited institution. Most programs take two to three years to complete and include both coursework and clinical experience.
  • Certification and Licensing: Once you have completed your education, you must pass the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) exam to become a certified occupational therapist. In addition, most states require occupational therapists to be licensed in order to practise.
  • Clinical Experience: Most occupational therapy programs require students to complete clinical experience or fieldwork in order to graduate. This experience provides hands-on training in working with patients and developing treatment plans.

Soft Skills: Occupational therapists must have strong communication and interpersonal skills, as they work closely with patients, families, and other healthcare professionals. They must also have good problem-solving and critical thinking skills in order to develop effective treatment plans.

Job Roles

Apart from working as occupational therapist, there are several other job profiles that a person with a background in medicine can pursue. Some of these job profiles include:

  • Certified Hand Therapist
  • Ergonomist
  • Assistive Technology Professional
  • Rehabilitation Specialist
  • Researcher or Educator

Employment Sector

  • Hospitals
  • Clinics
  • Educational Centres
  • Rehabilitation Centres 

Top Recruiters

There are many recruiters from leading companies who enlist potential medical students. Following are some Recruiters from where students can find an employment opportunity in India: 

  • Fortis
  • King Edward Memorial Hospital
  • Apollo Hospital
  • Tata Memorial Hospital
  • Medanta
  • Hiranandani Hospital


The salary range may vary from company to company, but the salary of an occupational therapist is very impressive in India.


Level of Salary

Salary Package per Month

Starting Salary

Approx ₹1,50,000

Mid Level Salary

Approx ₹4,50,000 

Senior Level Salary

Approx ₹6,50,000


  • Problem-solving skills
  • Decision-making skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Communication skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Critical Thinking


The career scope of an occupational therapist is quite diverse, with opportunities to work in a variety of settings and with patients of all ages and backgrounds. Occupational therapists play a critical role in helping individuals who are recovering from injuries, illnesses, or disabilities to regain skills and independence in daily living and work activities.

Some common settings where occupational therapists work include hospitals, rehabilitation centres, schools, and long-term care facilities. They may also work in private practice or in community-based settings. Occupational therapists may work with individuals of all ages, from infants to seniors, with a wide range of conditions and needs.

With the right education, certification, and experience, occupational therapists have opportunities for advancement and specialisation within the field. They may also have opportunities to work in research or academic settings, or to take on leadership roles in healthcare organisations.


  • Helping People
  • Job Growth
  • Variety
  • Flexibility
  • Good Salary


  • Emotional Demands
  • Physical Demands
  • Education and Training
  • Licensing Requirements
  • Documentation