Udemy Instructor

Empower Minds Worldwide: Udemy Instructors Shaping the Future of Learning


Udemy is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platform that serves as an expansive online learning hub, offering both free and paid courses. With a vast community of over 24 million students and an extensive catalog of 80,000 courses, Udemy covers a wide range of subjects, including technology, arts, science, business, personal and professional development, and even niche topics like pet care. The courses are presented through a series of lessons, which can include video lectures or textual content. Udemy's diverse content caters to learners with varying interests and skill levels, making it a versatile platform for anyone seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in virtually any field.

Becoming a Udemy Instructor involves creating and teaching online courses on the Udemy platform. Instructors, typically experts in their field, develop course content, deliver lectures, and engage with students. The role requires strong subject matter knowledge, effective communication skills, and the ability to create engaging educational materials. Instructors can choose from a variety of topics, allowing for a diverse range of courses. While Udemy provides a global platform to reach a wide audience, success depends on the course's popularity and sales. Instructors earn revenue through student enrollments, and the platform offers tools for marketing and course management. This career provides flexibility, allowing instructors to set their schedules and work from anywhere. However, competition in the online education space and the need for self-promotion are potential challenges. Overall, becoming a Udemy Instructor is an opportunity to share expertise, contribute to online education, and potentially generate income in the digital learning landscape.


A Udemy Instructor profile does not have specific eligibility criteria in terms of formal education or certifications. However, individuals interested in creating courses on the Udemy platform should possess: 

  1. Expertise and in-depth knowledge in their chosen subject matter. Instructors are often industry professionals, experts, or individuals with practical experience in the field they plan to teach. 
  2. A strong command of the subject
  3. Effective communication skills 
  4. Ability to create engaging and informative content. 
  5. Udemy encourages diversity in course topics, allowing instructors from various backgrounds to contribute. 
  6. Familiarity with online teaching tools and platforms. 

Aspiring Udemy Instructors should review the platform's guidelines and policies for course creation to ensure alignment with Udemy's standards and requirements.

Job Roles

Udemy Instructors play a vital role in democratizing education by sharing their expertise with a diverse global audience, contributing to the platform's mission of making learning accessible to everyone. Their key job responsibilities include:

Course Creation: Develop comprehensive and engaging course content that aligns with Udemy's guidelines and effectively communicates the subject matter.

Content Delivery: Present information in a clear, concise, and engaging manner through video lectures, presentations, and supplementary materials.

Engagement and Interactivity: Foster student engagement by incorporating interactive elements, quizzes, assignments, and discussions to enhance the learning experience.

Technical Proficiency: Demonstrate proficiency in using Udemy's platform tools for course creation, including video recording, content uploading, and managing course materials.

Feedback and Communication: Provide timely and constructive feedback to students, address queries, and foster a supportive learning community.

Course Maintenance: Regularly update and improve course content to reflect changes in the subject matter, address student feedback, and ensure relevance.

Marketing and Promotion: Implement strategies to market and promote courses, potentially including creating compelling course descriptions and utilizing social media platforms.

Compliance: Adhere to Udemy's policies, guidelines, and quality standards to maintain the integrity of the platform and ensure a positive learning environment.

Continuous Learning: Stay updated on industry trends, teaching methodologies, and Udemy's platform updates to enhance the quality of courses.
Communication with Udemy: Maintain open communication with Udemy's support teams, addressing technical issues, and adhering to platform policies.


Udemy instructors have two primary avenues for earning: through the Udemy platform or by joining Udemy for Business. As an instructor on the platform, you receive a 30% commission per student purchase, with Udemy retaining 70%. 

Alternatively, joining Udemy for Business involves monthly payments based on learner engagement, where instructors receive a share from the 25% of total monthly subscription revenue allocated to the instructor revenue pool. However, the latter is invitation-only. While most instructors earn through the Udemy marketplace, actual earnings vary based on course pricing, market demand, and individual course engagement.


  1. Subject Matter Expertise
  2. Communication Skills
  3. Presentation Skills
  4. Technical Proficiency
  5. Interactivity
  6. Adaptability
  7. Feedback and Collaboration
  8. Marketing and Promotion
  9. Continuous Learning
  10. Time Management
  11. Customer Focus


  1. Global Reach: Udemy offers a vast global audience, providing instructors with exposure to diverse learners from around the world.
  2. Flexibility: Instructors have the flexibility to create courses on topics of their expertise and set their own schedules.
  3. Monetization Opportunities: The platform allows instructors to monetize their knowledge and skills by earning revenue from course sales.
  4. Educational Impact: Instructors can make a positive impact by sharing valuable knowledge and skills with a wide audience, contributing to online education.


  1. Revenue Share: The 30% commission structure for individual course sales may limit potential earnings for instructors.
  2. Intense Competition: The platform hosts a large number of courses, leading to intense competition for visibility and student enrollment.
  3. Limited Control: Instructors have limited control over pricing, as Udemy often promotes discounted courses, affecting the perceived value.
  4. Course Content Ownership: Udemy retains certain rights to course content, which may limit instructors' control over their intellectual property.