Bachelor of Design [B.Des] (Textile Design)

Enabling artistic exploration and creative expression in the world of fabrics


A Bachelor of Design (B.Des) in Textile Design is a specialized undergraduate program that focuses on developing creative and technical skills in the field of textile design. This program typically spans four years and is designed to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of textiles, including their creation, manipulation, and application in various industries. Students enrolled in this course undergo a curriculum that combines theoretical knowledge with practical hands-on experience, covering aspects such as fabric construction, dyeing techniques, printing methods, and textile technologies. 

The program often incorporates design principles, color theory, and trend analysis to enable students to create innovative and aesthetically pleasing textile designs. Graduates from a B.Des in Textile Design can pursue careers as textile designers, surface pattern designers, fashion designers, or work in industries related to home furnishings, apparel, and interior design. The course aims to foster creativity, technical proficiency, and a deep understanding of the textile industry, preparing students for a dynamic and evolving professional landscape.


The specific core subjects in a Bachelor of Design (B.Des) program with a focus on Textile Design may vary slightly depending on the university or college offering the course. However, here are some common core subjects that students in a Textile Design program may encounter:

  • Textile Science and Technology
  • Textile Design Studio
  • Surface Design Techniques
  • Color Theory and Application
  • Fashion and Textile History
  • CAD (Computer-Aided Design) for Textiles
  • Textile Marketing and Merchandising
  • Professional Practices in Textile Design
  • Textile Materials and Sustainability
  • Portfolio Development

Practical Learning

The Bachelor of Design (B.Des) in Textile Design emphasizes practical learning to equip students with hands-on skills and industry-relevant experience. Practical components in the course are crucial for translating theoretical knowledge into real-world applications. Here are some key aspects of practical learning in a B.Des Textile Design program:

  • Textile Design Studios
  • Workshops and Labs
  • Industry Internships
  • Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Training
  • Textile Workshops and Seminars
  • Exhibitions and Showcases
  • Collaborative Projects
  • Field Visits
  • Portfolio Development

Course Curriculum


Core Subjects

Semester 1

Basics of Design

Drawing and Illustration                                      

Fundamentals of Textiles                        

Communication Skills 

Introduction to Fashion Design

Semester 2

Textile Science and Technology                                    

History of Textiles and Fashion                     

Basic Photography for Design

Semester 3

Advanced Textile Design Techniques                                   

CAD for Textile Design                                           

Fashion History and Trends                 

Pattern Making and Garment Construction

Semester 4

Woven Textile Design      

Entrepreneurship in Design             

Portfolio Development

Semester 5

Fashion Forecasting and Trend Analysis

Textile Art and Craft

Intellectual Property Rights in Design

Semester 6

Knitwear Design

Advanced Textile Printing Techniques

Cultural Studies in Textile Design

Semester 7

Textile Design Project

Advanced Design Research Methods

Industry Collaborations and Projects

Semester 8

Thesis Project

Design Ethics and Sustainability

Career Development and Portfolio Presentation

This table provides a general overview of potential subjects that students might encounter in a B.Des Textile Design program. The elective subjects and specific content may vary based on the university's curriculum and the evolving nature of design education.

Top Institutes

  • National Institute of Fashion Technology, NIFT Delhi
  • National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), Mumbai
  • Pearl Academy, Delhi
  • Amity School of Fashion Technology, Noida
  • National Institute of Fashion Technology, NIFT Bangalore
  • National Institute of Fashion Technology, NIFT Chennai
  • Mumbai University

Career Growth

After completing a Bachelor of Design (B.Des) in Textile Design, graduates have the opportunity to pursue career growth in various industries that utilize textile design skills. Here are some industries where B.Des Textile Design graduates can find career growth:

  • Fashion Industry
  • Home Furnishings
  • Textile Manufacturing
  • Retail and Merchandising
  • Textile Research and Development
  • Interior Design
  • Automotive Industry
  • Textile Consultancy
  • Sustainable and Eco-friendly Textiles


The scope after completing a Bachelor of Design (B.Des) in Textile Design is diverse, with numerous career opportunities in various industries. Here are some potential career paths and avenues for growth:

  • Textile and Fashion Industries
  • Home Furnishings and Interior Design
  • Manufacturing and Production
  • Retail and Merchandising
  • Research and Development
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Educator
  • Sustainable and Eco-friendly Textiles
  • Automotive Industry
  • Textile Stylist
  • Further Education
  • Global Opportunities
  • Collaborations and Freelance Work

Pros & Cons


  • Creative Expression: The program allows for creative expression, enabling students to explore and develop their artistic talents in textile design.
  • Versatility: Graduates have diverse career opportunities in industries such as fashion, home furnishings, manufacturing, and more, offering versatility in career paths.
  • Hands-On Experience: Practical components, including design studios, internships, and projects, provide hands-on experience and prepare students for real-world challenges.
  • Industry-Relevant Skills: Students gain skills in textile science, CAD, design principles, and market trends, making them well-equipped for industry demands.
  • Global Opportunities: The textile industry has global reach, offering opportunities for international careers and collaborations.
  • Sustainability Focus: There is an increasing emphasis on sustainable and eco-friendly practices in textile design, allowing graduates to contribute to positive environmental initiatives.
  • Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Graduates can start their own design businesses or freelance careers, showcasing their unique designs and style.


  • Subjectivity: Evaluation in design courses can be subjective, relying on individual perspectives and opinions, which may vary among instructors.
  • Intensive Workload: Design programs often demand a significant time commitment for projects, studio work, and portfolio development, which can be challenging.
  • Competitive Industry: The design industry, including textiles, can be highly competitive, requiring persistence and a strong portfolio to stand out.
  • Evolving Trends: Keeping up with rapidly changing design trends and technologies is essential but can also be demanding.
  • Limited Job Stability: Some design roles, especially in freelance or entrepreneurial ventures, may lack the stability and benefits of traditional employment.
  • Challenging Market Entry: Breaking into established markets can be challenging for new graduates, requiring networking and a strategic approach to job hunting.