B Tech Ship Building

Chart a Career in Maritime Excellence With a Focus on Ship Building


A B.Tech in Ship Building is an undergraduate engineering program that provides students with comprehensive knowledge and skills essential for the construction, design and maintenance of ships and maritime structures. This specialised program typically integrates aspects of naval architecture, marine engineering and structural engineering to prepare students for careers in the shipbuilding industry.

The curriculum encompasses various key components essential for shipbuilding. Students delve into naval architecture, where they study ship design principles including hull design, stability, hydrodynamics and marine structures. The program also focuses on marine engineering, covering the design and operation of ship propulsion systems, engines and machinery. Structural design and analysis form a crucial part, emphasising understanding ship structures, materials used and techniques for analysis and design.

Shipyard management is another integral aspect of the curriculum, providing insights into shipyard operations, project management and the coordination of shipbuilding processes. Fluid mechanics and hydrodynamics are explored to understand fluid behaviour in the context of ship movement and hydrodynamic forces. Additionally, students learn about welding technology, exploring the processes and techniques employed in ship construction for joining materials effectively.

The program also includes subjects like maritime regulations and safety, ensuring that students are well-versed in international maritime regulations, safety standards and environmental considerations relevant to shipbuilding. 

To provide practical exposure, B.Tech in Ship Building programs often include internships and project work in shipyards or maritime industries. This hands-on experience allows students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, fostering a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in shipbuilding


The core subjects of a B.Tech program in Ship Building typically covers a broad spectrum of topics related to naval architecture, marine engineering and structural engineering. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in the principles and practices essential for the construction, design and maintenance of ships. Here are some of the specific subjects given below:

  • Naval Architecture
  • Marine Engineering
  • Ship Structure Design and Analysis
  • Fluid Mechanics and Hydrodynamics
  • Welding Technology
  • Shipyard Management
  • Marine Materials and Corrosion Protection
  • Ship Production Technology
  • Computer-Aided Design (CAD) in Shipbuilding
  • Maritime Regulations and Safety
  • Marine Systems Engineering
  • Maritime Economics and Ship Finance
  • Research and Development in Shipbuilding

These major subjects provide students with an in-depth understanding of shipbuilding, covering both theoretical principles and practical applications

Practical Learning

The practical aspects of the program are designed to complement theoretical knowledge and provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities involved in constructing, designing and maintaining ships. Here are some key components of practical learning in B.Tech Ship Building: 

  • Internships
  • Shipyard Visits
  • Laboratory Work
  • CAD and Simulation Exercises
  • Welding and Fabrication Workshops
  • Model Making
  • Marine Systems Practical Training
  • Project Work
  • Safety Drills and Training
  • Industry Workshops and Seminars

Course Curriculum

While specific courses may vary between institutions, the following is a generalised overview of the course curriculum and key components that students may study during their four-year B.Tech Ship Building program:

First Year 

  • Mathematics - I & II
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Programming
  • Engineering Drawing
  • Introduction to Naval Architecture
  • Introduction to Marine Engineering
  • Workshop Practice

Second Year 

  • Mathematics - III
  • Mechanics of Materials
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Thermodynamics
  • Strength of Materials
  • Ship Construction and Design - I
  • Marine Systems

Third Year

  • Numerical Methods and Optimisation
  • Marine Materials and Corrosion Protection
  • Ship Construction and Design - II
  • Welding Technology
  • Shipyard Management
  • Computer-Aided Design (CAD) in Shipbuilding

Fourth Year

  • Ship Production Technology
  • Ship Survey and Inspection
  • Maritime Regulations and Safety
  • Project Work
  • Internship
  • Seminar and Presentation
  • Entrepreneurship and Professional Development

Top Institutes

In India, several institutes offer B.Tech programs in Ship Building and related fields. Here are some institutes known for their programs in maritime engineering:

  • Indian Maritime University (IMU), Chennai
  • Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi
  • Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies, Chennai
  • Andhra University College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam
  • Coimbatore Marine College (CMC), Coimbatore
  • Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering (SVCE), Sriperumbudur
  • International Maritime Institute (IMI), Greater Noida
  • Tolani Maritime Institute (TMI), Pune
  • AMET University, Chennai
  • Hindustan Institute of Maritime Training (HIMT), Chennai

Career Growth

Graduates with specialised knowledge and skills in ship design, construction and maintenance can explore various paths for professional development. Here are key aspects influencing career growth for B.Tech Ship Building professionals:

  • Advanced Degrees and Certifications
  • Specialised Training and Workshops
  • Leadership Roles in Shipyard Management
  • Research and Development Opportunities
  • International Exposure
  • Networking and Industry Involvement
  • Global Career Opportunities


Graduates with a B.Tech in Ship Building possess specialised knowledge and skills that make them integral to the design, construction, maintenance, and management of ships and maritime structures. Here are key aspects highlighting the scope of B.Tech Ship Building:

  • Ship Design and Architecture
  • Ship Construction and Production
  • Marine Engineering
  • Shipyard Management
  • Naval Engineering and Defense
  • Maritime Consultancy
  • Maritime Safety and Inspection
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Logistics and Supply Chain
  • International Opportunities
  • Ship Surveying
  • Offshore Industry
  • Materials Engineering
  • Environmental and Sustainable Shipping
  • Ship Finance and Economics
  • Logistics Optimisation

Pros & Cons

Pros of pursuing a B.Tech Ship Building

  • Specialised Expertise
  • Global Opportunities
  • Diverse Career Paths
  • Industry Demand
  • Contribution to Global Trade

Cons of pursuing a B.Tech Ship Building

  • Challenging Work Environment
  • Physical Demands
  • Regulatory Compliance