Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga

Achieve a Professional Yoga Career with a Highly-Rated PG Diploma


The Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga is a specialised program that aims to equip students with extensive knowledge and practical skills in the field of Yoga. It holds equal importance to any other technical or non-technical field of study. In today's fast-paced and competitive world, maintaining good physical and mental health is vital for achieving success in various aspects of life. Yoga, being a holistic practice, not only improves physical fitness but also enhances mental well-being, making it a valuable asset for personal and professional growth.

This course typically spans 1 to 2 years, depending on the institution and the specific curriculum. During this period, students delve into various aspects of Yoga, including its philosophy, principles, and practices. They learn about different Yoga postures (asanas), breath control techniques (pranayama), meditation, relaxation methods, and Yoga therapy, among other topics. The training is both theoretical and practical, allowing students to develop their Yoga practice while gaining insights into the teaching methodologies.

To be eligible for this program, candidates usually need to have completed an Undergraduate Diploma with a minimum aggregate score ranging from 50% to 60%, depending on the institute's requirements. Some institutions may also consider candidates with relevant experience in Yoga or allied fields. This criterion ensures that the program attracts dedicated and enthusiastic individuals who are genuinely interested in pursuing a career in Yoga.

Upon successful completion of the Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga, students are equipped with the necessary skills to become Yoga professionals. They can venture into various career paths, such as becoming Yoga instructors, setting up their Yoga studios, working in wellness centres and resorts or even exploring opportunities in Yoga therapy and research.

In India, where Yoga has its roots and holds deep cultural significance, the introduction of post-graduate diploma courses in Yoga is a commendable step. It not only helps to preserve and promote the ancient practice of Yoga but also plays a crucial role in creating skilled and knowledgeable Yoga professionals who can contribute positively to society's well-being.

As the importance of health and wellness continues to be recognized globally, the demand for qualified Yoga practitioners and instructors is on the rise. Therefore, pursuing a Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga can be a wise choice for individuals who wish to combine their passion for Yoga with a fulfilling and rewarding career path.


The core subjects in a Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga may vary depending on the institution and the specific curriculum they offer. However, here are some common core subjects that are typically included in such a program:

  • Yoga Philosophy and History
  • Yoga Asanas (Postures)
  • Pranayama (Breath Control)
  • Meditation and Relaxation Techniques
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Teaching Methodology
  • Yoga Therapy
  • Research Methods 
  • Dissertation or Project Work 
  • Practical Training or Internship 

Moreover, the students interested in pursuing this program should review the specific curriculum of the institute they wish to join to understand the subjects covered in detail.

Practical Learning

While theoretical knowledge is essential, it is through practical application that students truly internalise the teachings of Yoga and develop the necessary skills to become competent Yoga professionals. Practical learning in this program involves various aspects, such as:

  • Yoga Asanas (Postures) Practice
  • Pranayama (Breath Control) Practice
  • Meditation and Relaxation Techniques
  • Teaching Methodology and Classroom Practice
  • Yoga Therapy and Modifications
  • Assisting and Correcting
  • Practical Application of Yoga Philosophy
  • Experiential Workshops and Retreats
  • Internships and Practical Teaching Experience 

The above-listed training sessions foster a personal connection with fitness, helping students embody the principles that they learn in theory. This experiential approach is crucial for shaping skilled and compassionate Yoga professionals who can make a positive impact on the well-being of their students and clients.

Course Curriculum

The course curriculum for a Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga with a duration of 1-2 years may vary from one institution to another. However, here is a generalised overview of the subjects listed in the table given below:

First Year 

  • Yoga Philosophy
  • Foundations of Yoga 
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology 
  • Diet and Nutrition 
  • Yoga Asanas 
  • Meditation and Relaxation Techniques 
  • Yoga Therapy Practical Session 
  • Seminar
  • Assignments
  • Viva-Voice 

Second Year 

  • Yoga and Health 
  • General Psychology 
  • Applications of Yoga 
  • Naturopathy & Ayurveda
  • Advanced Yoga Asanas
  • Yoga Business and Marketing
  • Dissertation or Project Work
  • Assignments 
  • Viva-Voice 

Top Institutes

Here are some of the top institutes in India offering a Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga:

  • Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga (MDNIY), New Delhi
  • Sri Sri University, Bhubaneswar
  • Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavala
  • SVYASA Yoga University, Bengaluru
  • Amity University, Noida
  • Rishikesh Yog Peeth, Rishikesh
  • Parmarth Niketan, Rishikesh
  • Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar
  • University of Patanjali, Haridwar
  • Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai

Each of these institutes has its unique approach to teaching Yoga, so it's essential to find one that aligns with your goals and interests in Yoga education.

Career Growth

The career growth for individuals with a Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga can be quite promising, especially as the field of Yoga continues to gain popularity and recognition worldwide. Here are some avenues for career growth that graduates can explore:

  • Senior Yoga Instructor
  • Yoga Studio Owner 
  • Yoga Therapist Specialist 
  • Corporate Wellness Manager 
  • International Yoga Retreat Leader 
  • Yoga Consultant and Speaker 
  • Yoga Teacher Trainer 
  • Yoga Researcher or Author 
  • Yoga Online Influencer 
  • Yoga Retreat Organiser 

To ensure career growth, continuous professional development is essential. Graduates can attend workshops, advanced training programs and conferences to stay updated with the latest developments in Yoga and related fields.


The scope for individuals with a Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga is quite promising, as the field of Yoga continues to grow in popularity and recognition worldwide. Here are some significant aspects that highlight the scope for graduates with this qualification:

  • Yoga Instructor Opportunities
  • Yoga Therapy and Specialized Practices
  • Corporate Wellness Programs
  • Health and Wellness Industry 
  • Entrepreneurship in Yoga
  • International Opportunities 
  • Yoga Research and Publications 
  • Continuing Education and Specialisations 
  • Online Platforms and Influencer Roles 
  • Academic and Educational Roles 
  • Yoga and Wellness Consulting 

To make the most of the opportunities available, graduates should continuously update their skills, stay informed about industry trends and maintain a passion for promoting holistic health and mindfulness.

Pros & Cons

Pros of pursuing an Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga:

  • In-depth Knowledge
  • Skill Enhancement
  • Career Opportunities
  • Personal Growth
  • Holistic Approach
  • Diverse Specialisations
  • Networking and Community

Cons of pursuing an Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga:

  • Time and Commitment
  • Financial Investment
  • Limited Recognition 
  • Limited Geographical Scope 
  • Physical Demands 
  • Teaching Skills Development 
  • Work-Life Balance