Master of Architecture

Learn Advanced Concepts of Design and Innovation with M.Arch Course


The Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) degree program focuses on advanced studies in the field of architecture. This course is designed for individuals who have completed their undergraduate studies in architecture or a related field and wish to further their knowledge and skills in the profession. It provides students with an opportunity to engage in advanced design projects, research and critical thinking to develop a deeper understanding of architectural theory, practice and innovation.

The course curriculum of an M.Arch. degree typically combines studio-based design projects with theoretical and technical courses. Students explore various aspects of architecture, including design principles, construction methods, sustainability, urban planning, history of architecture, building technology and professional practice. The program may also offer specialisation options, allowing students to focus on areas such as sustainable design, urban design, digital architecture or historic preservation.

The duration of this degree can vary depending on the institution and the student's prior qualifications. It generally takes two to three years of full-time study to complete the program. Some universities may offer part-time or accelerated options as well.

Upon completion of the M.Arch. program, graduates are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue careers in architecture and related fields. They can work as architects in architectural firms, construction companies or government agencies. They may also choose to pursue careers in urban design, interior design, landscape architecture or academia


The Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) programs can vary depending on the specific university and curriculum. However, here are some common core subjects that are typically included in M.Arch. programs: 

  • Architectural Design Studio
  • Architectural Theory and Criticism
  • Building Technology and Materials
  • Sustainable Design and Green Building
  • Urban Design and Planning
  • Professional Practice and Ethics
  • Digital Design and Building Information Modeling (BIM)
  • Research Methods in Architecture
  • History of Architecture
  • Elective Specialisations

Moreover, the students are advised to review the curriculum of individual programs to get a detailed understanding of the core subjects offered.

Practical Learning

The Master of Architecture degree emphasises practical learning to provide industrial experience and real-world exposure in the field of architecture to the students. Here are some common options for practical learning in M.Arch. programs :

  • Design Studios
  • Internships
  • Workshops and Field Visits
  • Collaborative Projects
  • Research and Case Studies
  • Design-Build Projects
  • Digital Design and Visualization

Moreover, these experiences contribute to the holistic development of students, equipping them with the necessary skills, knowledge and practical exposure to succeed in their careers as architects

Course Curriculum

The course curriculum for a two-year Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) degree is typically organised on a semester basis. Here is a general breakdown of the course curriculum for a two-year M.Arch. the program, semester-wise: 

First Semester 

  • Architectural Design Studio I
  • Architectural Theory and Criticism
  • Building Technology and Materials
  • Research Methods in Architecture
  • Elective Course 1

Second Semester 

  • Architectural Design Studio II
  • Professional Practice and Ethics
  • Urban Design and Planning
  • Elective Course 2
  • Elective Course 3

Third Semester 

  • Architectural Design Studio III
  • Advanced Building Technology
  • Sustainability in Architecture
  • Elective Course 4
  • Elective Course 5

Fourth Semester 

  • Thesis Project (Research and Design)
  • Seminar on Contemporary Issues in Architecture
  • Elective Course 6
  • Elective Course 7

Top Institutes

In India, several top architecture institutes offer a Master of Architecture program. Here are some of the leading institutions known for their architecture programs:

  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee - Department of Architecture and Planning
  • School of Planning and Architecture (SPA), Delhi
  • School of Planning and Architecture (SPA), Bhopal
  • School of Planning and Architecture (SPA), Vijayawada
  • CEPT University, Ahmedabad - Faculty of Architecture
  • Sir J.J. College of Architecture, Mumbai
  • Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh
  • Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra - Department of Architecture

The above-mentioned institutes are renowned for their quality education, experienced faculty, research opportunities and industry collaborations.

Career Growth

A Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) degree can provide significant opportunities for career growth in the field of architecture. Here are some aspects of career growth that M.Arch. graduates can experience:

  • Advanced Specialisation
  • Leadership Roles
  • Professional Licensure
  • Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment
  • Continued Professional Development
  • Research and Academia
  • International Opportunities

By continuously developing their skills, pursuing new opportunities and staying updated with industry advancements, M.Arch. graduates can experience significant career growth and advancement in the field of architecture


The scope of a Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) degree is diverse and offers a wide range of opportunities in the field of architecture. Here are some key aspects of the scope of an M.Arch. degree: 

  • Architectural Practice
  • Specialisation and Niche Areas
  • Research and Academia
  • Urban Planning and Design
  • Sustainable Design and Green Building
  • Entrepreneurship and Consulting
  • International Opportunities

Pros & Cons

Pros of pursuing a Master of Architecture [M.Arch.]:

  • Enhanced Knowledge and Skills
  • Specialisation Opportunities
  • Professional Licensure
  • Networking and Industry Exposure
  • Research and Academic Opportunities

Cons of pursuing a Master of Architecture [M.Arch.]: 

  • Time and Financial Investment
  • Intense Workload
  • Limited Professional Experience
  • Limited Practical Exposure
  • Competitive Job Market